Facebook Pros & Cons

Facebook Pros & Cons:
The Web 2 App I have chosen to evaluate is Facebook, as it is a popular and well known social media website. 


    You are able to keep in touch with your friends and family 
    You are able to find out when your friends birthdays are
    You are able to share your photos for people to see
    You can message your friends privately
    You can organise events such as parties, fundraisers etc
    It is straight forward and easy to use
    Promote your business
    Work on homework assignments with your friends
    It enhances your social skills, your are able to talk to people         all over the world
    Finding Romance
    Keeping up with current events and news


    There are a lot of issues with bullying caused from facebook
    Time consuming
    Online grooming
    People can save/share your pictures if you are friends with them
    Fake Profiles
    Privacy Issues
    People can post things such as pictures/status’s/videos that may be offensive to others
    Feeling pressurised to share information about yourself
    People can post pictures that you are in without your permission

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