Blog Review

"Six reasons to stop panicking about what you'll do after university"

The title of this blog caught my eye, as i am a student in university myself I thought I would give it a read. Whilst reading it there were many things through out,  that i was able to relate to myself.  Its valuable enough to be on my blog list because most people whilst studying in university will think "what am I going to do after university?" if they have not already decided what career pathway they would like to take. Many students and previous students would be able to relate to this blog, its really interesting read. Its valuable enough to be on my blog list because it puts things into perspective for students, it includes six reasons to stop panicking about what you'll do after you have finished university. These six reasons incude; we are still young, comparing yourself to others is a waste of time, you cant discover what you want to be until you find out who you are, many successful career- people have 'fallen into' their line of work, your degree wont go to waste and you are not alone. It gives a positive feeling to a student that would read it, I thought it was very influential.

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