The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Technology in Education

Technology plays an important part in learning, it is a major advantage to teachers as they are able to enhance their teaching skills and strategies. Its helps people to improve their knowledge and understanding, through different aspects of learning. Technology is important for both the teacher and student, it has many advantages to learning, although there are disdvantages.

  1.  It allows students/children to learn independently
  2.  Its an exciting way of learning
  3.  Students do not need to carry around heavy books all the time they are able to make use of their technological gadgets
  4.  Its an easier way of learning
  5.  The students are able to learn IT skills together a classroom.
  6.  The use of wikis & blogs
  1.  Students/Children may become lazy relying on the internet too much.
  2.  Become to Distracted with other websites
  3. Forgetting the basic ways of learing through books etc.
  4.  Wasting time
  5.  Lack of innability with teachers and students
  6.  Teachers may find it difficult to draw students attention

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